Quantum Biology and the Sensing of Radiofrequency in Living Organisms

For the first time, a biological receiver is demonstrated as a radio frequency governing biological receiver. A work published in the journal Scientific Reports1 by Margaret Ahmad's team2, in collaboration with Carlos Martino, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology (FIT, Florida).

The question of whether Radiofrequency Fields such as emitted from radio, TV and wireless communications devices can affect living organisms has been a matter of great interest and controversy for decades. However, there has been no progress and much confusion for the simple reason that up until now no one even remotely had any evidence of how such forces could act on living systems.

In the present work the researchers have achieved a major milestone in the field by demonstrating that cryptochrome, a biological receptor responsible for plant growth and development, can detect and respond to RF (radiofrequency) electromagnetic fields in the MHz range. This is the signal range emitted by eg. AM/FM radios, TVs, home electronics and wireless phones. This study, was based on Quantum Physical predictions that specific RadioFrequency fields can interact with cryptochrome excited state reaction intermediates to alter rates and thereby alter biological activity. In their experiments, they measured the activity of cryptochrome by observing changes in plant growth in the presence or absence of radiofrequency fields. They also directly monitored the activation state (active or inactive) of cryptochrome using protein detection methods. This is the first identification of a biological receptor capable of responding to RF signals in any organism.

In simple terms, researchers showed that the ‘chemistry’ of the cryptochrome receptor in living plants can be manipulate by a remote radiofrequency signal. This is not so much a question of us ‘talking to plants and animals’ but rather of ‘telling them what to do’.

This work has huge implications for new technology. For example, in field plants, we could potentially manipulate how plants grow, when they flower, protect them against pathogens, and increase crop yield simply by placing an antennae in the field which emits a suitable frequency to stimulate cryptochrome. In synthetic biology, enzymatic reactions could be designed under the control of cryptochrome receptors and then manipulated remotely through external RF fields.


Albaqami, M., Hammad, M., Pooam, M. et al. Arabidopsis cryptochrome is responsive to Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields. Sci Rep 10, 11260 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67165-5 

Team Photobiology (UMR 8256), lead by Margaret Ahmad