Jean-Marie Mangin

  • Adresse Cassan, bâtiment B, étage 2, porte 210, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Téléphone +33(0)144278092
  • Courriel


Diplomas :
Master In Cellular Neurobiology, Université de Versailles/Saint Quentin 1998
PhD in Neuropharmacology, Université Paris VI, 2003

Professional Cursus:
2010 : CR1 INSERM.

Postdoctoral fellowships:
2003-2006: University of Liege, Liege, Belgium (FRM training grant)
2006-2010: Children’s National Medical Center, Washington DC, USA

Team Leadership :
2014- : Team leader (co leadership with Pascal Legendre) « Development of Spinal Cord Organization» ; INSERM UMR_S 1030/CNRS UMR 8246.